Warsaw, October 2023
Halloween is my favorite holiday, and every year I try to do at least one photo session in that theme. This time, together with Sariel, we visited a mini pumpkin exhibition located near the Arkadia shopping center. It’s not a very large place, but arranged in such a way that we managed to find a few cool shots.
These kinds of attractions are becoming increasingly popular in Poland, and the largest pumpkin display with convenient access for Warsaw residents is located on the way to Konstancin. Usually, such places are crowded, so I recommend planning a visit in the middle of the week.
I regret that the Halloween period ends so quickly, and I didn’t manage to organize more photoshoots like this during this time. I’m already starting to think about ideas for next year! 🙂
Model, makeup: Sariel
Outfit: Absentia Couture (made by me)