Dark academia

Dark academia

Warsaw, November 2023

Another “Targi Fantastyki” fair is approaching, and as usual, Isia is preparing to showcase her handicrafts there. She had been contemplating refreshing the graphic design of her online store for some time. However, the most pressing matter she has postponed for a while now is creating a new roll-up banner. Isia briefly told me what she would like to include on it, and immediately, an idea for a photoshoot came to my mind, which we managed to accomplish today.

I was very excited about these photos because I knew precisely what effect I aimed for. The main concept of the photoshoot was to depict the artist at work, surrounded by creative chaos. In my imagination, I had envisioned lighting reminiscent of Caravaggio’s and Rembrandt’s paintings, dark wood, and smoke. Embracing contemporary trends, I believe our styling fits nicely into the ambiance of dark academia. Most of the concepts were successfully executed but some ideas were modified. One of these was the color scheme, which I had planned to limit to a uniform, muted tone with a single contrasting accent – turquoise. During the photo editing process, it turned out that the purples came out so beautifully that it was a shame to discard them.

In addition to the vertical photos for the roll-up, Isia also needed materials illustrating her activities as a craftswoman, illustrator, graphic designer, and website creator. I had some concerns about whether I would be able to create a coherent image representing her multifaceted personal brand, but it turned out to be much easier than I had anticipated. The second potentially problematic issue was the bright walls in the apartment that we had access to for the photoshoot. I aimed for a dark background, so I overcame this obstacle by taking overhead shots (resulting in the dark floor becoming the background) and choosing angles where brown furniture was behind the model. Of course, placing the lights strategically can also significantly help in such a situation, positioning them so that the light doesn’t directly hit the walls and other large, bright surfaces.

I am very pleased with the result we achieved, and I can’t wait for the new version of Isia’s website.

Model, outfit: Isia Zarzycka





At the very end, I left a funny digression (but it’s one of those cringe-worthy stories) that explains the mystery of why Isia actually needs a new roll-up.

A few years ago, we were preparing a combined booth for a wedding-themed fair where I exhibited my handicrafts, and Isia did henna painting. It was the very beginning of my business, and I knew even less about it than I do now. 😀 Both of us wanted to create separate banners, which we were preparing especially for this occasion. Time was short, and we didn’t have any suitable photos. The main issue was the wedding theme of the fair because all the photos with models I had in my portfolio were in an alternative style. I knew I wouldn’t manage to organize a new photo session, so without much thought xD, I decided to just use one of my own photos in a bright style because, well, why not. Apparently, Isia didn’t think this through well either and, just as impulsively, chose a photo with her own face for the roll-up. I’m not sure at which moment we realized how absurd it must have looked. Two ladies behind the counter, each with their own printed, gigantic head behind them. I’m afraid to guess what people passing by must have thought of us. xD Or maybe it wasn’t that bad…? Hmm. 😀 


Halloween photoshoot

Halloween photoshoot

Warsaw, October 2023

Halloween is my favorite holiday, and every year I try to do at least one photo session in that theme. This time, together with Sariel, we visited a mini pumpkin exhibition located near the Arkadia shopping center. It’s not a very large place, but arranged in such a way that we managed to find a few cool shots.

These kinds of attractions are becoming increasingly popular in Poland, and the largest pumpkin display with convenient access for Warsaw residents is located on the way to Konstancin. Usually, such places are crowded, so I recommend planning a visit in the middle of the week.

I regret that the Halloween period ends so quickly, and I didn’t manage to organize more photoshoots like this during this time. I’m already starting to think about ideas for next year! 🙂

Model, makeup: Sariel

Outfit: Absentia Couture (made by me)



there and back again

there and back again

Warsaw, October 2023

Autumn is swiftly approaching, although until recently, the weather didn’t quite indicate we’re in the midst of October! It’s the perfect time for portraits among the colorful leaves before it gets cold and gloomy.

This time, Isia transformed into a cheerful hobbit wandering through unknown corners… of Skaryszewski Park. 😉

We aimed to work even more efficiently than usual to ensure nobody caught a cold. Fortunately, we managed to avoid that, and everything went according to plan. After the photoshoot, we dropped by Baja, our favorite vegan café, and just like true hobbits, indulged ourselves with cookies. It was a successful day. 😀

Model, outfit: Isia Zarzycka



Photoshoot in Krakow

Photoshoot in Krakow

Krakow, August 2023

Krakow is one of the most beautiful Polish cities and I am always very happy when I have the opportunity to go back there.

Saturday was rainy, but fortunately the weather was fine the next day. To avoid huge crowds, we went for the photoshoot quite early in the morning. The Main Square and its surroundings were the perfect background for the outfit prepared by Ania. I am constantly impressed by the old buildings rich in refined reliefs and other decorations.

At the end of our meeting, we went to slightly more secluded and shady places that can be found in nearby squares.

Floral Photoshoot

Floral Photoshoot

Warsaw, August 2023

I love flowers. April and May are my favorite months precisely because of the multitude of blooming trees and shrubs.
Due to my health condition, I was unable to take full advantage of this year’s spring and take pictures in magnolias and rhododendrons. Fortunately, in August you can still find some beautiful flowering plants, and hydrangeas are my favorites. Properly cared for, they can produce large inflorescences in the shape of huge, colorful balls. Interestingly, hydrangeas react to a change in the soil pH, which is manifested by various colors of flowers, depending on whether the soil is acidic, neutral or alkaline. Real magic!

Recently, I came across impressive hydrangeas in shades of pink and beige. I immediately thought that it was the perfect backdrop for romantic portraits. For a better effect, I provided the model with a large bouquet, which slightly enlivened the whole stylization. The openwork shawl is one of the most beautiful things I have in my wardrobe and it was handmade by Mrs. Urszula. I dream of being able to knit such works of art someday.

Model: Isia Zarzycka


Heather field photoshoot

Heather field photoshoot

August 2023

The flowering period of heathers is a moment I wait for all year round. Taking photos in such a beautiful place is a pleasure for me – well, apart from waking up before 4 a.m. to catch the sunrise. 😉

I prepared several props for our session to emphasize the unique character of the surroundings and introduce interesting elements to the photos. It turned out that Agnieszka had long dreamed of becoming an actress and felt great playing various roles. We managed to implement two “scenarios” – the first one is dark and disturbing, a bit related to the world of Harry Potter, which we both love, and the second one is more cheerful and fairy-tale-like.



 Warsaw, July 2023

Isia and I love fantasy, especially everything related to elves, so it was certain that someday we would combine our magical powers and take photos in this theme!

Wings and outfit were made by Isia. She used old curtains for this, which I really like. Anyway, I’m not the only one who was impressed by the styling, because during the photoshoot we were accompanied by numerous children who also wanted a photo with a fairy.

The style of the fairytale photoshoot is governed by its own rules and I personally allow much more Photoshop here than would be comfortable using in a typical portrait session. With Isia’s permission, you can see the “before and after” effect at the bottom of this page. As you can see, the interference in the photo was very large (the psd file has 72 layers!). I knew I didn’t want to change the natural facial features. I focused on changing the lighting and colors, so that the whole thing gained an unreal, fairytale effect.

We can’t wait for autumn and we are already planning the next photos in this place, this time in a warm color palette.





Warszawa, lipiec 2023

Victoria lives in the United States on a daily basis, where she runs her makeup brand LoveLace Cosmetics. She came to Poland with her husband to take part in the Castle Party. After the festival, they stayed with us for a few days and during that time we showed them a few interesting places in Warsaw (including my two favorite places with vegan food, of course). 

For the photoshoot, I chose a place with a neutral background that would not distract attention from Victoria’s make-up and styling. We used a photrographic reflector to illuminate the face. Image editing boiled down to cooling the yellow and green tones in the background, retouching the skin and increasing the color contrast in selected areas.

Working with Victoria was a great pleasure and I am very glad that I had such an opportunity. 💗


model, styling, makeup: Victoria Lovelace

clothes: Lip Service



Spring time

Spring time

Warsaw, April 2023

Spring is my favorite time of the year. I always look forward to the end of winter, and this year’s pre-spring period dragged on forever. Finally, when the mirabelles bloomed, it was the perfect time to use them as a romantic backdrop for an ethereal photoshoot.

Our idea was to limit the use of photoshop to make the photos look as natural as possible and refer to the old days with their atmosphere. For this reason, I limited the retouching of the skin to a minimum and did not interfere much with the colors. The flares seen in some of the images were created by using a crystal held in front of the lens. I like to use these types of accessories sometimes, because their effects can be really magical and give much more satisfaction than using a similar function in Photoshop.

The outfit and the notebook were made by Isia. The photos will be used to promote her work on social media.